NAS is a set of accounting guidlines  maintain by Accounting Standards Board (ASB). ASB is is formed by Governemnet of Nepal March 10, 2003 (Falgun) under the Nepal Chartered Accountants Act, 1997 which is responsible for parallel standards with IFRS. 

the main focus point

a. to formulate accounting standards in line with IFRS issued by IASB

b. full discretion in developing and pursuing the technical agenda for setting Accounting Standards in Nepal.

 NAS 01 Presentation of Financial Statements

 NAS 02 Accounting Policies, Changes in accounting estimates and errors

 NAS 03 Cash flow statements

 NAS 04 Inventories

 NAS 05 Events, after the balance sheet date

 NAS 06 Property, plant and equipment

 NAS 07 Revenue

 NAS 08 Borrowing Costs

NAS 09 Income taxes

NAS 10 Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance

NAS 11 the effects of changes in foreign exchanges rates 

NAS 12 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

NAS 13 Construction contract

NAS 14 Employee benefits (voluntary Compliance)

NAS 15 Leases

NAS 16 Related party Disclosure

NAS 17 Interim Financial Reporting

NAS 18 Impairement of assets

NAS 19 Investment Property

NAS 20 Non-Current assets held for sale and discontinued operation

NAS 21 Business Combinations (voluntary compliance)

NAS 23 Segment reporting (Voluntary Compliance)

NAS 24 Accounting and Reporting by retirement benefits plans (VC)

NAS 25 Investment in associates (Voluntary Compliance)

NAS 26 Earnings per share (Voluntary Compliance)

NAS 27 Intangible assets (voluntary Compliance)