The name of the cover page contains:

-a running head ( Professional papers only)

 -The title of the paper

-the name of the author(s)

-the institutional affiliation

-An author note, optional (professional papers only)

-Pupils paper also include course information


All the title page should be double spaced with 12-point and Times New Roman Font, bold face with capitalized, but in 7th edition font options was include Calibri 11, Arial 11, lucida sans Unicode 10, Georgia 11. No use of abbreviation. The position of the title of the paper 'upper half of the page'

 All words should be centered, and capitalize the first letter of important words. Never use the titles like Dr.or PhD. Aurthor name is below paper title, which will be centered and double space. Use commas, and use 'and' before the last author's name. 

 Example of Student title page

The below format is Tribhuvan University of Nepal