*In SAP structure ‘Client’ is in the highest level

Client 100   Development

Client 400   Testing

Client 800    Production

*Client is Identify by 3-digit numeric key

*Transaction Code: SCC4

*Table: T000 can be viewed through T-code: SE16N


Who can create Client?

-SAP Consultant, and decided the Client number


Step 2: Creation company code

SAP provided standard templates per country and modified as you need.


Company Code UK- GB01 TUK1

-Identify by 4 Digit alpha-numeric key

-Transaction code@ OX02

-Table: T001




CO code represents an independent legal accounting entity and is used for external purposes. Financial statement required by law can be created at company code level.  A separate company code is usually created as per country in order to fulfill the legal obligation such as taxation.

Path: Display IMG> Enterprise structure-> Definition -> financial Accounting-> Edit, Copy, Delete, check company code


-Click on Copy Org. object (icon)

2. Edit Company Code date

Path: Display IMG> Enterprise structure-> Definition -> financial Accounting-> Edit Company Code date


Company Code- Global Parameters

T-Code: OBY6

Path: Display IMG> Enterprise structure-> Definition -> financial Accounting-> Financial Accounting Global Settings->Global Parameters for Company Code-> Enter Global Parameters

 Define Company and Assignment of Company code


There is difference between company code and Company in SAP, one company can be assignment to multiple company code. Company represented a business organization for which financial statement can be created according to the existed commercial law

Transaction code: OX15

Menu Path: Display IMG-> Enterprise Structure-> Definition-> Financial Accounting-> Define Company

Assign of Company Code

Menu Path: Display IMG-> Enterprise Structure-> Definition-> Financial Accounting->Assignment-> Assignment of Company code



Customizing Requests Transport Organizer

Transaction Code: SE09 /SE10

All the customization that is saved in the form of customizing requests in Transport Organizer. It can be transported from one SAP client to another SAP environment.

*Workbench Requests/ Transport of Copies/ Relocations

