Embodiment (n):personification,
incarnation, epitome
The garment has long been
seen as the embodiment of traditional, conventional and 'feminine' beauty.
Drape (v)
While there are many
different ways to drape saris,
A garment that champions
inclusivity, cultural representation and expression of self, it's no wonder
that the sari is growing in popularity as everyday wear.
Vulnerable (adj): fragile,
unsafe, endangered, unguarded
According to the Hope for
Justice, modern slavery is where one person controls another by exploiting
Coalition (N): alliance, union,
partnership, affiliation, bloc, league, alignment, amalgamation, conjunction
a database developed by an
international coalition of research groups and civil society organisations.
Disproportionate (adj): too
large or too small in comparison with something else, out of proportion to
Have disproportionate power
to mitigate deforestation risk", according to Planet Tracker.
Elusive (adj): difficult to
find, catch, or achieve.
The peace process has still
remained elusive even 15 years has passed.
Appraise (appraised) (v): assess, evaluate, estimate, judge, rate, gauge,
Candid (adj): frank, direct, truthful and straightforward,
Castigate (v) reprimand, rebuke, admonish, scold, lambast, criticize
Canon (n): principle, rule, tenet, formula, standard,
Do not break canons
Encounter (v): run into, unexpectedly be faced with or experience.
Uncanny (adj): eerie, strange or mysterious, especially in an unsetting
way, unnatural, supernatural,