Ameliorate (V) to make better or more tolerable
The mood of the prisoners was ameliorated when
the warden gave them extra free time outside.
Amenable (adj) obedient, willing to give in to
the wishes of another, agreeable.
The pm was amenable to my paying bill with
jelly beans
Amenity (n): pleasantness; attractive or
comfortable feature
The amenities at the local club include a
swimming pool.
Amiable (adj) friendly, agreeable
Our amiable guide made us feel right at home in
what would otherwise have been a cold and forbidding museum.
Amnesty (n): an official pardon for a group of
people who have vilolated a law or policy
An amnesty is an official forgetting
Amoral (adj): lacking a sense of right and
wrong; neither good nor bad, neither moral nor immoral; without moral feelings.
Young juveniles are amoral.
Amorous (adj): feeling loving, especially in
sexual sense; in love; relating to love.
The amorous couple made quite a scene at the
Amorphous (adj): shapeless; without a regular
or stable shape; bloblike
Anachronism (n): something out of place in time
or history; an incongruity
Analogy (N): a comparison of one thing to
another; similarity
Anarchy (n): absence of government or control;
lawlessness; disorder.
Anecdote ( n) a short account of a humorous or
revealing incident
Anguish (n): agonizing physical or mental pain, purgatory, agony, pain, torment, suffing,
Animosity (n) resentment; hostility; ill will
The rivals for the state championships felt
great animosity toward each other.
Anomaly (n): an aberration; an irregularity; a
A snowy winter day is not an anomaly, but a
snowy july day is.
Antecedent (n) someone or something that went
Your grandparents could be said to be your
Antipathy (n) firm dislike
I feel antipathy toward bananas wrapped in ham.
Antithesis (n) the direct opposite