Adulterate (v): to contaminate; to make impure

We discovered that the city’s water had radioactive waste in it; we discovered, that it had been adulterated.

Adverse (adj): unfavorable, antagonistic


Aesthetic (adj): having to do with artistic beauty; artistic

Affable (adj): easy to talk to; friendly


Affectation (n)

Affinity (N): sympathy; attraction; kinship, similarity

Ducks have an affinity for water; that is, they will like to be in it.

Affluent (adj); rich; prosperous

Affluence means the same thing as wealth or prosperity.

Agenda (n) program; the things to be done


Aggregate (n/v/adj): sum total; a collection of separate things mixed together.

Chili is an aggregate of meat and beans.

Synonyms and antonyms: congregate, segregate, integrate

Agnostic (n): one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven

Agrarian (adj): relating to land, relating to the management or framing of land.

Agrarian usually has to do with farming. Think of agriculture.

Alacrity (n): cheerful eagerness or readiness to respond,


Allege (v): to assert without proof

You alleged him without any substantial material.


Alleviate (v): to relieve, usually temporarily or incompletely, to make bearable; to lessen


Allocate (V): to distribute; to assign, to allot

Alloy (n): a combination of two or more things, usually metals. 

Allusion (n) : an indirect reference, a hint

The statement would have been a direct reference, not an allusion.

Allude (v):  indirect,

Aloof (adj) : uninvolved, standing off ; keeping one’s distance

To stand aloof from a touch-football game is to stand on the sidelines and take part.

Altruism (n) : selflessness ; generosity ; devotion to the interests of others.

The private foundation depended on the altruism of the extremely rich old man.

Philanthropy (n)

Ambience (n) atmosphere, mood, feelings.

The decoration has created a playful ambience that delighted young children.

Ambiguous (adj) : unclear in meaning, confusing ; capable of being interpreted indifferent ways

We listened to the weather report, but the forecast was ambiguous.

Ambivalent (adj) undecided, having opposed feeling simultaneously

He felt ambivalent about Alec as a boyfriend. His frequent desire to break up with her reflected this ambivalence.