Indictment (n): charge, accusation, imputation, allegation, summons, impeachment,

Pellegrino hoped he would stand trial under the indictment he had worked on.

 Profound (adj): intense, heartfelt, great,

Over the past four decades, satellite records have shown how increasing global temperatures have had a profound effect on the Arctic.

Mar (v): spoil, ruin, impair

Of late, the party has been marred by factional divides.

Coveted (adj): greatly desired or envied.

Competition among leaders for coveted party positions is a natural thing.

Aspire (v): desire to, aim for/to, hope for   (aspire to be)

It must aspire to hold its general convention in the most transparent manner in which leaders should be elected through a democratic voting process. 


Intimate: close relation

Fictitious (adj): false, fake, counterfeit, fabricated, not real or true,

Reports of a deal were dismissed as fictitious by the minister.

Elude (v): evade, avoid, get away from, flee, escape (from) a danger skillful

Implacable (adj): Unappeasable,

Hoarding: artificial shortage created by human

Utmost (adj): extreme, great.

Visit to the Annapurna region has been described by trekkers as utmost rewarding with spectacular view of the Himalayan


Laxity (N):lack of strictness or care

The excellent performers and punishing those who are show laxity in work

Diligence (n): careful and persistent work or effort, persistent, perseverance, assiduity, dedication, commitment,

Diligence and hard work of the civil servants can boost their image and earn public trust. 



If a manager is switching schedules at the last minute, insisting that employees work extra hours or refusing to allow time off for bereavement, then employees are more apt to reciprocate with limited communication and little notice as well. 


Ponder (v): think about, consider, review, mull over, contemplate,

The company began to ponder producing something closer to the fresh version, recounts Taro Komura, an executive vice president at Ajinomoto Foods North America.


Speculation (N): conjecture, theorizing, supposition, hypothesizing,  (no evidence/substantiate)

The initial 1980s MSG scare can be traced back to a speculation in a New England Journal of Medicine letter that has not been borne out by later work.

Speculate (v)

Intricate (adj): complex, complicated, convoluted, tangled, entangled, twisted, intertwined,

The race is on to accelerate trees' ageing process, so these intricate communities aren't lost forever.


Dismal ( adjective): dim, somber, dull, melancholy,

The dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening.


Intact (adj): unbroken, original, entire, whole, undamaged,

Tower remained intact

Exaggerate (v): overstate, overemphasize, overstress, overvalue,

He was apt to (likely to) exaggerate any aches and pains.


Adept:  skilled/proficient

She Is adept at cutting through red tape

Organization (n) Synonyms : Entity, body, establishment, Institution, organization

Reciprocate (v): respond to by making a corresponding one

The favour was reciprocated.

With the objective of facilitating and promoting investments in big infrastructure and service sectors, the Investment Board of Nepal (IBN) has been working hard since its inception in 2011.