1.Title And Affiliation

-Title must be limited to 8-15 words (but there is no standard)

-Relevant to the Subject

-In a single Phrase

-Correct Grammar and Proper Capitalization

-Avoid Abbreviations

-Adding Superscripts (in affiliation)

2.       Abstract and Keywords

-Abstract not more than 150-300 words but there is no standard

-No references

-No table/Fig/chars


Writing Abstract

*1. Importance and Introduction

*2. Methods (on what you did)

*3. Results (on what you found)

*4. Implications of your research


-Choose your keywords carefully

3.       Introduction

-1 and 2 Paragraph about your topic


4.       Literature Review  

-Refer already publish journals with limitations

-Why you are doing?

-1 or 2 paragraph but no limitation

5. Methodology and Experimentation

-Can segment into more sub heading

6. Results and Discussions

7. Conclusions

- Results Specific not like Abstract, general view of research.

8. References

-Choose one among different guidelines