Iconoclast (n) one who attacks popular beliefs or institutions

The popular columnist was an inveterate iconoclast, avidly attacking public figures no matter what their party affiliations

Ideology ( n) a system of social or political ideas



Idiosyncrasy (n) a peculiarity, an eccentricity

She’s driving was somewhat idiosyncratic, she sometimes seemed to prefer the sidewalk to the street.

Idyllic (adj) charming in  a rustic way, naturally peaceful


Our vacation in the country was idyllic; we went for long walks down winding dirt roads and didn’t watch television all week.

An idyllic time or place.

Ignominy (n) deep disgrace, dishonor, shame, humiliation, mortification

After the scandal, the formerly high-flying investment banker fell into a life of shame and ignominy.

Illicit ( adj) illegal, not permitted

Criminals engage in illicit activities.

Imminent (v) just about to happen

The pink glow in the east made it clear that sunrise was imminent


Immutable ( adj) unchangeable  

Jerry’s mother had only one immutable rule; no dancing on the dinner table.

Mutable: Changeable



Impartial (adj) fair, not favoring one side or the other unbiased

They tried to be an impartial jury at the beauty contest, but..

Impartiality (n)

Impeccable (adj) flawless, entirely without sin

The children’s behaviour was impeccable; they didn’t pour dye into swimming pool.

Imperial (adj) like an emperor or an empire

Imperial, emperor, and empire are all derived from the same root.

Imperious: (bossy and arrogant)