Ebullient (adj): boiling, bubbling with excitement, exuberant
A boiling liquid can be called ebullient. More often,
though, this word describes excited or enthusiastic people.
Eccentric (adj) not conventional, a little kooky, irregular
The rocket followed an eccentric course; first it veered in
one direction, then it veered in another, and then it crashed
Eclectic (adj) choosing the best from many sources; drawn
from many sources
The eclectic menu included dishes from many different
Edify (V): to enlighten; to instruct, especially in moral or
religious matters
The teacher’s goal was to edify her students, not to force a
handful of facts down their throats.
Efface (v) to erase; to rub away the features of
The inscription on the tombstone had been effaced by
centuries of weather.
Effusion (n) a pouring forth
The madam’s writings consisted of a steady effusion of
Egalitarian (adj) believing in the social and economic
equality of all people.
Everyone is often interest in egalitarian measures when such
measures interfere with their own interests.
Egocentric (adj): selfish, believing that one is the center
of everything
Egotist (adj):
Egregious (adj): extremely bad; flagrant
Her manners were egregious;
Elicit (v) : to bring out ; to call forth
The questionnaire skillfully elicited our true feelings by
asking us questions that got to the heart of the matter.
Elliptical (adj) : oval ; missing a word or words ;
The egg may have an elliptical shape.
Elusive (adj) hard to pin down, evasive
Emigrate (V) : to leave a country permanently ; to
Immigration (n)
Eminent (adj) well-known and respected ; standing out
from all others in quality or accomplishment ; outstanding.
Empirical (adj): relying on experience or observation; not
merely theoretical
Einstein experiment gave the scientists empirical evidence that gravity exists.
Encroach (V);to make gradual or stealthy inroads into; to
Endemic (adj) native; restricted to a particular region or
era indigenous.
Emulate (v) to strive to equal or excel, usually through
I got ahead by emulating those who had succeeded before me.
Enervate (v) to reduce the strength or energy of, especially
to do so gradually
Life itself seemed to enervate the old women. She grew
weaker and paler with every breath she drew.
Enfranchise (v) : to grant the privileges of
citizenship, especially the right to vote.
USA, citizens become enfranchised on their eighteenth
Disfranchise (V) take away privileges of citizenship
Engender (v) : to bring into existence, to create, to
Smiles engender simles.
Enigma (n) a mystery
She is an enigma ;she never does any task but she
always gets good grades.
Enormity (n) extreme evil ; a hideous offense ;
Hitler committed one enormity after another.
Ephemeral (adj) : lasting a very short time
Youth and flowers are both ephemeral. They are gone before
you know it.
Epigram (n): a brief and usually witty or satirical saying
Epitome (n): a brief
summary that captures the meaning of the whole; the perfect examples of
something; a paradigm
The first paragraph of the new novel is an epitome of the
entire book
Equanimity (n): composure; calm
Equitable (adj) fair
The court decision was certainly equitable.
The pirates distributed the loot equitably among themselves,
so each one received the same share.
Equivocal (adj): ambiguous; intentionally confusing, indefinite
The equivocal nature of her remarks
Erudite (adj): Scholarly; deeply learned