Esoteric (adJ): hard to understand, understood by only a select few, peculiar

The author’s books were so esoteric that even her mother didn’t buy any of them.

Espouse (V): to support, to advocate, embrace, accept

Some cultures used to espouse polygamy, or marriage to more than one woman.

Ethereal (adj) heavenly, as light and insubstantial as a gas or ether

Euphemism (n): a pleasant or inoffensive expression used in place of an unpleasant or offensive one.

Aani, who could not bring herself to say the word death, said that Uncle Bin had taken the big bus uptown.

Evanescent (adj) fleeting, vanishing, happening for only the briefest period.

Meteors are evanescent:

Exacerbate (v) to make worse

Exacting (adj): extremely demanding, difficult, requiring great skill or care.

The doctor’s exacting task was to reconnect the patient’s severed eyelid.

Exalt (V): to raise high, to glorify

Being king of England is an exalted occupation.

Exasperate (V): to annoy thoroughly, to make very angry, to try patience of.

It exasperates the listener.

Exemplify (v): to illustrate to example, to serve as a good example

His master thought he exemplified the model student,

Exhaustive (adj): thorough, rigorous, complete, painstaking

 Before you use a parachute, you should examine it exhaustively for defects.

Exhort (v): to urge strongly, to give a serious warning to

The coach used her bullhorn to exhort us to try harder.

Hortatory ( adj)