Deference (N): submission to another’s will; respect; courtesy
Dean showed deference to his grandfather.
Definitive (adj) Conclusive; providing the last word
Walter wrote the definitive biography of Keats; nothing more
could been added by another book
Degenerate (V): to break down; to deteriorate
The discussion quickly degenerated into an argument.
Deleterious (adj): harmful
Smoking cigarettes is deleterious to your health.
Delineate (V) to describe accurately; to draw in outline
Delude (V): to deceive
She is so persuasive that she was able to delude her friends
into thinking she was a countless.
Delusion (N)
Deluge (N): a flood; an inundation
A deluge is a flood, but the word is often used
Demagogue (N): a leader who uses prejudice to get more power
Demagogues manipulate the public to support their aims, but
they are little different form dictators.
Denizen (N): inhabitant
Fish are sometimes referred to as ‘denizens of the deep.’ Do
not refer to them this way yourself; the expression is a cliché.
Depravity (n): extreme wickedness or moral corruption,
Deprecate (v) to express disapproval of
It is a deprecating remark
Deride (V): to ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously
The boss derided her secretary mercilessly, so he quit his
job. He was someone who could not accept derision.