Coalesce ((v) : to come together as one, to fuse, to
Coerce(v) to force someone to do or not to do something
He tried to flatter, bribe and even coerce, but he was never able to make her reveal the hidden rebel base.
Cogent (adj) powerfully convincing
He was cogent is explaining why he needed the confidential
files, so we gave them to him.
Cognitive (adj) dealing with how we know the world around us
through our senses, mental
Scientists study the cognitive apparatus of human beings to
pattern how computers should gather information about the world.
Cognizant (adj)
aware, conscious
To be cognizant of your responsibilities is to know what
your responsibilities are.
Coherent (adj) holding together, making sense
A coherent wad of cotton balls is one that holds together.
Cohere: hold together
Colloquial (adj) conversational, informal in language
‘The way I figure it’ is a colloquial expression, or a
colloquialism; people often say it, but it isn’t used in formal prose.
Collusion (n) conspiracy, secret cooperation
The increase in petroleum prices was the result of collusion
by the oil-producing nations.
Commensurate (adj) equal, proportionate
The number of touchdowns scored by the team and the number
of its victories were commensurate (both zero).
Compelling (adj) forceful, causing to yield
A compelling argument for buying a security system is one
that makes you go out and buy a security system.
Compendium (n) a summary, an abridgment
A yearbook often contains a compendium of the offenses,
achievements, and future plans of the members of the senior class.