Complacent (adj) self-satisfied ; overly pleased with oneself ; contented to a fault
The football team won so many games that it become
complacent, and the worst team in the
league won the game.
Complement (V) to complete or fill up ; to be the
perfect counterpart
Complement word is often obfuscate with compliment.
Complicity (n) : participation in wrongdoing ; the
act of being an accomplice
There was complicity between the bank robber and the
dishonest teller.
Complicity among the students made it impossible to find out
which of them had pulled the fire alarm.
Comprehensive (adj) covering or including everything
The insurance policy was comprehensive; it covered all
possible losses.
Comprise (v) to consist of
A company comprises employees.
Conciliatory (adj) making peace ; attempting to resolve
a dispute through goodwill
Come on—be conciliatory.
Concise (adj) brieft and to the point ; succinct
To be concise is to say much with few words. A concise
speaker is one who speaks concisely or with concision.
Concord (n) : harmony ; agreement, accord
Nations that live in concord are nations that live together
in peace.
Concur- agree but Discord as opposite
Concurrent (adj) happening at the same time, parallel,
Condescend (V) : to stoop to someone else’s level,
usually in an offensive way ; to patronize
I was surprised that the president of the company had
condescended to talk with me.
Condone (v) : to overlook ; to permit to happen
The principal condoned the hood’s smoking in the bathroom;
he simply ignored it.
Conducive (adj) : promoting
The foul weather was not conducive to our having a picnic.
Confluence (n) : a flowing together, especially of
rivers ; the place where they begin to flow together
There is a remarkable confluence in our thoughts: we think
the same way about almost everything.
Congenial (adj): agreeably suitable; pleasant
The little cabin in the woods was congenial to the writer;
she was able to get a lot of writing done there.
Congenital (adj) : describing a trait or condition
acquired between conception and birth ; innate
A congenital birth defect is one that is present at birth
but was not caused by one’s genes.
Congregate (v):to come together
Rioter and Protestors were granted permission to congregate
peacefully on the plaza.
Conjecture (V) : to guess ; to deduce or infer on
slight evidence
If forced to conjecture, I would say the volcano will erupt
in twenty-four hours.
Conjure (V) : to summon or bring into being as if by
The chef conjured a fabulous gourmet meal using nothing more
than the meager ingredients in Lucy’s Kitchen.
Connoisseur (N): an expert, particularly in matters of art
or taste.
Farnk was a connoisseur of bad movies. He had seen them all.
Consecrate (v) : to make or declare sacred
The priest consecrated the building by sprinkling holy water
on it.
Desecrate : treat irreverently,
Consensus (n) : unanimity or general agreement
When there is a consensus, everybody feels the same way.
Consonant (adj) :
harmonious ; in agreement
Our desires were consonant with theirs ; we all wantedd
the same thing.
Dissonant :
in harmonious)
Construe (v) : to interpret
Prestion construed his contract as giving him the right to
do anything he wanted.
Consummate (adj) perfect; complete; supremely skillful
A consummate pianist is an extremely good one.
Contentious (adj): argumentative; quarrelsome
A person looking for a fight is contentious
Contiguous (adj): side by side; adjoining
If two countries are contiguous, the territory they cover is
Contingent (adj): dependent; possible
My happiness is contingent on yours; if you are unhappy, I am
Contrite (adj) admitting guilt; especially feeling
Mira was contrite about her mistake, so we forgive her.
Contrived (adj) artificial; labored
Sam’s acting was contrived: no one is the audience believed
his character or enjoyed his performance.
Conventional (adj) common; customary; unexceptional
Conventional wisdom is what everyone thinks.
Convivial (adj): fond of partying; festive
A convivial gathering is one in which the people present enjoy
eating, drinking, and being together.
Copious (adj) abundant; plentiful
The champagne at the wedding reception was copious but not
very good.