Credulous (adj): eager to believe; gullible
Judy was so credulous that she simply nodded happily when
Kiran told her he could teach her how to fly.
Criterion (n) standard; basis for judgment
In choosing among the linemen, the most important criterion
was quickness.
Cryptic ( adj) mysterious; mystifying
His remarks were cryptic.
Culinary (adj): relating to cooking or the kitchen
A cooking school is sometimes called a culinary institute.
Culminate (v) to climax; to reach full effect
The masquerade ball was the culmination of our fund-raising
Culpable (adj): deserving blame, guilty
We all felt culpable when the homeless old man died in the doorway
of our apartment building.
Exculpate : not guilty
Cursory (adj): hasty; superficial
To make a cursory attempt at learning.
Curtail (v): to shorten; to cut short
The vet curtailed her effort to cut the cat’s tail with the
lawn mower.
Cynic (N): one who
deeply distrusts human nature; one who believes humans are motivated only by
Corollary (N): something that follows; a natural consequence
A corollary is a law
that can be deduced without further proof from law that has already been
Corroborate (v): to confirm; to back up with evidence
The police could find no evidence of theft and thus could
not corroborate Mike’s claim that he had been robbed.
Cosmopolitan (adj) at home in many places or situations; internationally
New York is a cosmopolitan city; you can hear nearly every
language spoken there.
Countenance (n) face; facial expression; especially an
encouraging one.
Coup (n): a brilliant victory or accomplishment; the violent
overthrow of a government by a small internal group.
Covenant (n): a solemn agreement; a contract; a pledge
The indigenous tribes made a covenant not to fight each
other anymore.
Covert (adj) secret; hidden
Covert activities are secret activities
Covet (V): to wish for enviously
To covet thy neighour’s wife is to want thy neighbor’s wife
for thyself