Apathy (n): lack of interest; lack of feeling
Jill didn’t care one bit about current events; she was entirely apathetic
Aphorism (n): a brief, often witty saying, a proverb
He was fond of aphorisms.
Apocalypse (n) prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of
the world.
Apocryphal n(n) dubious authenticity, fictitious
Apotheosis (n) elevation to divine status, the perfect example of something,
the highest point in the development of something, climax, culmination, peak,
summit, acme
Buddha was the perfect example of monk being in the form of apotheosis.
Appease (v) to soothe; to pacify by giving in to
The trembling framer handed over all his grain, but still the emperor was
not appeased.
Appeasement (n)
Appreciate (v) to increase in value.
Apprehensive (adj) worried; anxious
Mina was apprehensive about the exam because she had forgotten to go to
class for several months.
Misapprehension: misunderstanding
Approbation (n): approval, praise
Appropriate (V) : to take without permission ; to set aside for a
particular use.
The crowd showed its approbation for their team.
Aptitude (N) : capacity for learniing ; natural ability
Some rare students have a marked aptitude for taking the SAT. They earn
high scores without any preparation.
Arbiter (N) one who decides ; a judge
Arbitrary (adj) random; capricious
The old judge was arbitrary in sentencing criminals; there was no sensible
pattern to the sentences she handed down.
Arcane (adj) mysterious; known only to a select few
The arcane formula for the cocktail was scrawled on o faded scrap of paper.
Archaic (adj) extremely old;
ancient; outdated
The tribe’s traditions are archaic