Standing on the shoulders of giants- ‘ using the understanding gained by major thinkers who have gone before in order to make intellectual progress’ ‘discovering truth by building on previous discoveries’

 Living in a bubble- does not accept new ideas

She is living in a bubble, she never try new things.


A taste of your own medicine- receiving the same bad treatment you have given other


Our boss is rude, someone had scold him now he got a taste of your own medicine.


To have all your Christmases come at once- having lots of good luck


Hope I will have all your Christmases come at once, my visa is accepted for Canada.


To have a good nose- naturally good finding and understand some things

We need to find someone who have a good nose about the current stock market.


Hot under the collar- to become very annoyed or angry about something.

Or you find a person attractive. They make you feel excited.


Get the short straw- person in a group who gets the most unpleasant outcome in a situation

Throw shade: publicly condemning