Abscond (V): run away, escape, bolt, clear out, flee, to leave secretly and quickly

American troops are absconding to leave Afghan even though they loss a 100 of soldiers.

Indelible (adj): cannot deleted..

It is indelible  fact

Flammable (adj): combustible, easily set on fire

Dogmatic (adj): popular, common

Paradigm: pattern

Skulk (n): to move in a stealthy

Abecedarian (adj): of relating to the alphabet

Leviathan (n): sth large or formiable

Flamboyant (adj): different, confident,


Associate (V), link, connect, identify, equate, relate
the job is the same: to conserve, preserve and innovate, when necessary, generations' worth of wisdom and culture associated with the making of one thing that keeps everything interesting – colour. 

Prominence (N): fame, eminence , pre-eminence, 

Gutiérrez doesn't want natural dye to regain its prominence in the globalised textile industry because that could lead to terrorising nature for the ingredients. 

Yarn (n): cotton, wool, fibre, strand, cotton,

the sheep whose wool becomes his yarn,


Eclipse (v): outshine, surpass, exceed, excel,


the plaza is eclipsed by an ancient and disproportionately large church.


A battle on 18 November 1780 between the Peruvian rebels and the Spanish colonisers in this town marked the true start of Tupac Amaru II's doomed but deeply influential uprising, which ended in March 1783.

Ablution (n): act of washing the hands, feet or body usually as part of religious ritual.

After ablution of the hands, feet, body, the priest puts on the sacred robe. 

Improbable (adj): unlikely, doubtful, debatable, questionable, inconceivable,

The report shared by witness seemed to be improbable.



Ablaze (adj): alight, burning, aflame,

His clothes were ablaze