We, the sovereign people of Nepal, internalizing the people's sovereign right and right to autonomy and self-rule, while maintaining freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity, national unity, independence and dignity of Nepal, recalling the glorious history of historic people's movements, armed conflict, dedication and sacrifice undertaken by the Nepalese people at times for the interest of the nation, democracy and progressive changes, and respecting for the martyrs and disappeared and victim citizens, ending all forms for discrimination and oppression created by the feudalistic, autocratic, centralized, unitary system of governance, protecting and promoting social and cultural solidarity, tolerance and harmony, and unity in diversity by recognizing the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural and diverse regional characteristics, resolving to build an egalitarian society founded on the proportional inclusive and participatory principles in order to ensure economic equality, prosperity and social justice, by eliminating discrimination based on class, caste, region, language, religion and gender and all forms o caste-based untouchability, and being committed to socialism base on democratic norms and values including the people's competitive multi-party democratic system of governance, civil liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise, periodic elections, full freedom of the press, and independent, impartial and competent judiciary and concept of the rule of law, and build a prosperous nation, do hereby pass and promulgate this constitution.

Parts of Constitution

Preliminary ( part 1)

Citizenship ( part 2)

Fundamental Right and Duties ( part 3)

Directive Principles, policies and Responsibilities of the state ( part 4)

Restructuring of the state and distribution of state power ( part 5)

President and Vice-President ( part 6)

Federal Executive ( part 7)

Federal Parliament ( part 8)

Federal legislative procedure ( part 9)

Federal Financial Procedures (part 10)

Judiciary ( part 11)

Attorney General ( part 12)

Provincial Executive ( part 13)

Provincial Legislature ( part 14)

Provincial Legislative procedure ( part 15)

Financial Procedure of Province ( part 16)

Local Executive ( part 17)

Local Legislature ( part 18)

Local Financial Procedure ( part 19)

Interrelationship between the federation, provinces and local levels ( part 20)

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority ( part 21)

Auditor General ( part 22)

Public Service Commission ( part 23)

Election Commission ( part 24)

National Human Rights commission ( part 25)

National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission ( part 26)

Other Commissions ( part 27)

Provision regarding National Security ( part 28)

Provision relating to Political parties ( part 29)

Emergency power ( part 30)

Amendment of the constitution ( part 31)

Miscellaneous ( part 33)

Transitional Provisions ( part 33)

Definitions and interpretations ( part 34)

Short title, commencement and Repeal ( part 35)

Fundamental rights3 

Right to life of Dignity ( article 16)

Right to freedom ( Article 17)

Right to Equality ( article 18)

Right to Communication ( article 19

Right regarding justice ( article 20)

Right of the victim of Crime ( article 21)

Right against Torture ( article 22)

Right against preventive detention ( article 23)

Right against untouchability and Discrimination ( article 24)

Right to Property ( article 25)

Right to religious freedom ( article 26)

Right to information ( article 27)

Right to Information ( article 28)

Right Privacy ( article 29) 

Right to fresh Exploitation ( article 30)

Right regarding Education ( article 31)

Right to language and Culture ( article 32)

Right to Employment ( article 33)

Right to labour ( article 34)

Right regarding Health ( article 35)

Right regarding food ( article 36)

Right to residence ( article 37)

Women's Rights ( article 38)

Children's Rights ( article 39)

Dalit's Rights ( article 40)

Senior Citizen's Rights ( article 41)

Right to Social Justice ( article 42)

Right to Social Security ( article 43)

Consumer's Rights ( article 44)

Right against Exile ( article 45)

Right to Constitutional Remedy ( article 46)


Constitutional Organs  (part 21-27)

9 Schedules of the constitution 

Previous Constitution

The Nepal Government Act, 1948

The Nepal Interim Government act, 1951

The constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal. 1959

Constitution of Nepal 1962

Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal, 1990

Nepal Interim Constitution, 2007

Constitution of Nepal, 2015