Brace: mental (or physical) prepare for unpleasant situation, difficult  

Afghans brace for Taliban rule after militants take control of Kabul.

Engulfs: affects powerfully, overwhelm  

Chaos engulfs airport

Sweep/ swept (V) : move powerfully and quickly

Taliban sweep into Afghan capital.

Immerse (V): submerge, plunge, dip, absorb, occupy, engulf, drench, soak, imbue,

 As well as allowing visitors to immerse themselves in imaginative lands they can walk (and ride) through,

 Embody /embodies (v): personify, express, give human shape, manifest, encapsulate

A park will embody you are in the moon

 It's hard to think of a place that embodies this better than Disneyland, 

Embolden/ emboldened  (V):  encourage, give courage, strengthen,

It will embolden in your journey

Phenomenon (n): happening, occurrence,

Glacier melting is a natural phenomenon

Phenomena ( plural noun)


Govern (V): rule, control, run, administer, regulate

Operate (V): work, handle, employ

Monitor (V): observe, supervise, scan, examine, surveil


Outweigh (V): exceed, be greater than, outbalance, supercede, offset,

(outweigh, outweighed, outweighed, outweighing, outweighs)

(Supersede, superseded, superseded, superseding, supersedes)


The advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages


Consolidate (v): merge, consolidate, integrate, amalgamate, unite, synthesise


Eminence (n): distinction, renown, notability, prominence, ( fame or acknowledged superiority within a particular sphere)

His eminence in the photo journalism.


It is imperative we leave no stone unturned to ensure our fellow citizens, who are stranded in the embattled country.

Sore throat ( the most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection, such as a colder or )

Strep throat ( by bacteria control and besieged)

Oscillate (V): swing, sway, sheered

Pendulum oscillate 24 hours a  day. 

Courageous (adj): brave, not coward

Courageous and Dedicated  person  


My dad is enduring person 

Oblige (V)


 There is also a suggestion that mothers and their children bond over lip-on-lip kissing because of something called "premastication food transfer". The mothers of our ancient ancestors might have pre-chewed our food for us in our early years, and transferred it directly into our mouths.

Concise (adj)- Succinct, short and sweet

 A concise account of the country’s history.

Succinct (adj): briefly and Clearly expressed

He use short, succinct sentences.

 Education (n) edification, schooling, tuition, pedagogy

Cohesive device 

A white elephant – unprofitable possession

For me travel industry was like a white elephant.

To plough the sands- to do something that is futile

To be no chicken- no longer young 

He has an old head on young shoulders. 

An old head on young shoulders ( person who behaves like and older person with more experience )


Condone (V) – disregard, accept

Placate (V)-to appease or please,

Press (V): apply pressure to someone forcefully

Plead (+for)() dramatically appealing someone to do something.

He decided to plead with boss