Hypocrite(n): whited sepulchre, imposter, pretender

What a hypocrite your are?

Hypocrisy (n)

Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behaviour for which one criticizes other.

Deceit (v)

Deceit is an action of deceiving someone by concealing the truth.

Deceive or receive :) 

Elephant in the Room

Nobody wanted to address the elephant in the room?, so they spoke about the weather

Remind (v)

Remember (v)


|By looking at the five data points, there appears to be a clear upward pattern in prices



Downward over the past quarter century there is downward trend in use of pesticides.


Babelicious (informal: adj): very sexually attractive ( typically used of a woman)


Mind-Boggling (adj: Informal); startling, overwhelming ( mentally or emotionally exciting(

The theory was mind-boggling


Industrious (adj): hard-working, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, steady,

My father is industrious person


Replenish (v) : fill, recharge, reload, restore,

One small, plucky animal has an outsized ability to transform its environment,helping to replenish  river ecosystem even in the desert.


Domesticating/Domesticate (V)

Domesticating animals

Tame animals

Dogs were the first domesticated animals



Cohabit (v): live together and have a sexual relationship without being married

Gerund: Cohabiting

( live together, sleep with )

Coexist ( animals that can cohabit with humans thrive)


Scorching (adj): extremely hot, red-hot,

The scorching july sun, I usually do not like it.


Upspring: to  come into being

( upsprung)

The nature has helped upspring for wild creatures.


Appalled ( adj): greatly dismayed or horrified, intimidating


Predicament (n):  a difficult, unpleasant,

Understand my predicament

Financial Predicament


Dignity (n)

Treaty with dignity