Save for a rainy day ( idioms)

To put something aside for a future time of need.

If you want a little more security, many financial advisors will recommend to save for a rainy day.


To cut a long story short (idioms)

 Used to end an account of events  quickly 

-To cut a long story short, I got visa to Canada 

Trim (v):barber, cut, crop, adorn , 

Stubble (hair): is the prickly hair that grows back after being shaved

-You need to trim your stubble hair

designer stubble 

Granulation(N): process of forming grains or granule from a powdery or solid substance


Enchanted (adj): filled with  delight; charmed, allure, attract, captivate,  

The orchestra played classical favourites to an enchanted audience.





Glamping (luxurious)


Batter :  strong winds batter China’s roofs top


Lament(V): mourn, bemoan, bewail sorrow


It is like  Greek to me (idioms)




Buoyant (adJ) able to float, light, floatable. Cheerful and optimistic

The conference ended with the party in a buoyant mood. 





Reluctant (adj): Unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic 

Fluctuate (v): Oscillate, vary

The stock market was fluctuated each day but still what were exact reasons nobody knows?


Contemplate, Contemplates, Contemplated, contemplating

Why are you contemplating about the things which you could not control?

(View, inspect)

She is contemplating herself image in the mirrors.

Breastfed ( adj)

Breastfeeding (n)

Breastfeeding week to encourage mothers for optimal breastfeeding practices.

Nourishment (N)

nourish (V): feed, nutrify,  nurture

Breastfeeding is the best source of nourishment for infants and young children and a proven lifesaving strategy that helps protect children against many illnesses, and natural vaccine that develops the immune system of a baby, defence against all forms of child malnutrition, 

Cognitive ( adj) the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Breastfeeding helps enhance the cognitive function of the baby. 


Colostrums are fed within an hour of birth; produced by the mammary glands of mammals

Legislatorsn (n):   Lawmaker, lawgiver , parliamentarian , minister, member of parliament, statesman, representative 

Levy (v): Impose, charge, exact

 Levied levying


Exemption (v): Immunity,  Exception, Dispensation, indemnity, exclusion 

 Exempt (v): free from, spared,  not subject to, exclude, dispense

To abate (v): lessen, subside, diminish, weaken, fade, recede, decline


Proportion (v):

Proportioned to

Proportionate/proportional (adj). There is proportional change between two variables

Proportionately (adv):

The risk of harm increases proportionately will the dose.

The proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is rising



Aggravate, worsen, inflame

The exorbitant cost of real state in urban areas only exacerbated the problem.

Sprinter (n): run, racer

Seek (V): Seek, look for, pursue, go after, go for,(Sought) 

Asylum (n): protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee

Stand-off- Brinkmanship, confronted

(can use in business, legal procedure,)

Against (someone’s) will

Kidnap plot: plan to take someone without will.