Categorical  (adj): unconditional, absolute

I categorically refuse to do anything whatsoever at any time, in any place, with anyone.

Catharsis (n) purification that brings emotional relief or renewal

To someone with psychological problems, talking to a psychiatrist can lead to a catharsis. A catharsis is a sometimes traumatic event after which one feels better.

Catholic(adj) universal; embracing everything

Da Vinci was a catholic genius who excelled at everything he did. 

Caustic (adj): like acid; corrosive

Paint remover is a caustic substance; if you spill it on your skin, your skin will burn

Celibacy (n) abstinence from sex

People who practice celibacy do not practice sex

Censure (v) to condemn severely for doing something bad

The senate sometimes censures senators for breaking laws or engaging in behavior unbecoming to an elected official.

Cerebral (adj) brainy. Intellectually refined

Your cerebrum is the biggest part of your brain. To be cerebral is to do and care about things that really smart people do and care about.

Chagrin (n): humiliation; embarrassed disappointment

The world chagrin is sometimes used incorrectly to mean surprise

Charisma (n) a  magical-seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty

To have charisma is to be charismatic