Cacophony (n);

Cadence (n): rhythm, the rise and fall of sounds

We wished the tone of words have a more pleasing cadence but he spoke in a dull monotone.

Cajole (v) to persuade someone to do something he or she doesn’t want to do


Callow (adj) immature

Candor (v): truthfulness, sincere honesty

My best friend exhibited candor when she told me that for many years now she has believed me to be a jerk.


Capitulate (v): to surrender, to give up or give in

So few students paid attention to Mr. Hernandez that he had to recapitulate his major points at the end of the class.

Recapitualte: summarize

Capricious (adj): unpredictable, likely to change at any moment

Arjun was capricious. One minute he said his favourite car was VW; the next minute he said it was a Toyota.

Caricature (n): a portrait or description that is purposely  distorted or exaggerated, often to prove some point about its subject


Castigate (v)L to criticize severely, to chastise, scold

Jose’s mother castigated him for forgetting to pick her up at the airport.

Catalyst (n): in chemistry something that changes the rate of chemical reaction itself being changed, anyone that makes something happen without being directly involved in it.