Fabrication (n) a lie, something made up

My story about being the prince of Wales was a fabrication. I am really the king of Denmark.

Fabricate (v)

Facetious (adj) humorous, not serious, clumsily humorous


Facile (adj) fluent, skillful in a superficial way, easy

The CEO of the company was a facile speaker. She could speak engagingly on almost any topic with very little preparation. She spoke with great facility

Faction (n) a group

The faculty was relatively happy, but there was a faction that called for higher pay.

Farcical ( adj) absurd; ludicrous

The serious paly quickly turned farcical when the leading man’s belt broke and his pants fell to his ankles.

Fastidious (adj) meticulous; demanding; finicky

Jeb was so fastidious in his work habits that he needed neither a wastebasket nor an eraser.

Fatalist (n) someone who believes that future events are already determined and that humans are powerless to change them.

Carmen was such a fatalist that she never wore a seatbelt; she said that if she were meant to die in a car accident, there was nothing she could do to prevent it.

Fatuous (adj) foolish, silly, idiotic

Pauine is so pretty that her suitors are often driven to fatuous acts of devotion.

Fauna (adj) animals

We saw little evidence of fauna on our walk through the woods.

Fecund (adj) fertile, productive

The fecund mother rabbit gave birth to hundreds and hundreds of little rabbits


Felicity (N) happiness, skillfulness, especially at expressing things; adeptness

Love was not all felicity for Judy and Steve; they argued all the time. In fact their relationship was characterized by infelicity.