Succumb (V): to yield or submit; to die

Many old ages people were succumb to dead because of corona/

Supercilious ( adj): haughty; patronizing

Superficial (adj): on the surface only; shallow, not thorough

Superfluous (adj) extra, unnecessary, redundant

Extra pages were superfluous.

Surfeit (n) excess; an excessive amount; excess or over-indulgence in eating or drinking

Thanksgiving meals are usually a surfeit for everyone involved.

Surreptitious (ad) sneaky, secret

The dinner guest surreptitiously slipped a few silver spoons into his jacket as he was leaving the dining room.

Surrogate (adj) substitute

A surrogate mother is a woman who bears a child for someone else.

 Sycophant (n) one who sucks up to others

The french class seemed to be full of sycophants; the students were always bringing apples to the teacher and telling her how nice she looked.

Sycophantic (adj)

Synthesis (n) the combing of parts to form a whole

It seemed as though the meeting might end in acrimony and confusion until Raymond offered his brilliant synthesis of the two diverging points of view.