Coerced (V2 of Coerce), pressure

The nurses and the doctors were accused by three females for coerced sterilisations.

Noun: Coercion

Detrimental  (adj): injurious, inimical, harmful

The recent changes will results into detrimental consequences, who knows such ramification.

Ombudsman (n)

An ombudsman is an official usually appointed by the government, who investigates complaints against businesses, financial institutions, universities, governments departments, or other entities, and attempts resolve the conflicts or concerns raised, either by mediation or by making recommendations.

Fading in (phrase/slang 

Raciest (racy) vs Racist

Interrogation(n): questioning, probing, investigation, examination,

The CIB has been conducting interrogation with witness since 24 hours to catch the culprit although the results are going to be far over from current conditions

Interrogate (v)

Attenuation (n) reduction of force, value of something

How to use attenuation in a sentences ?

Excitement, exciting,

Compelling, entrancing, thrilling, intriguing, bewitching, riveting, fascinating, enthralling, spellbinding, mesmerising 

Excitement (n) exhilaration, elation, enthusiasm 

Obsolete (adj/V): out of date, outdated, outmoded, old-fashioned.

The disposal of old and obsolete machinery

We are trying to capitalised by obsoleting the old machinery.


Eureka (moments/ Excalmation): a cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something.

When I found this. ‘Eureak!’ I cried


Tongue in Cheek: in an ironic, flippant

His comments were intended to be tongue in cheek, but his friends took it seriously and that started a huge argument.


Quenching my thirsty:


Abrupt (adj): sudden and unexpected

The abrupt change in location has astonished me.

Attire(n): dress, outfit, clothing

Acquire (V): obtain, procure, purchase

Acquaintance (N): familiarity, association

My acquaintance friends.