Labyrinth (n) a maze, something like a maze

Each of the fifty floors in the office building was a labyrinth of dark corridors and narrow passageways.

Laconic (adj) using few words, especially to the point of seeming rude

The manager’s laconic dismissal letter left the fired employees feeling angry and hurt.

Lament (v) to mourn

From the balcony of the bullet-pocked hotel, the foreign correspondents could hear hundreds of women and children lamenting the fallen soldiers


Lampoon (v) to satirize, to mock, to parody

The irreverent students mercilessly lampooned their Latin teacher’s lisp in a skit at the school talent show.


Languish (V): to become weak, listless, or depressed

The formerly eager and vigorous accountant languished in her tedious job at the international conglomerate.

Largess (n) generous giving of gifts. Generosity

Sam was marginally literate at best. Only the largess of his uncle got sam into the Ivy league school.

Latent (adj): present but nto visible or apparent; potential

At four, Maria was a latent shopaholic; she learned to read by browsing the descriptions in clothing catalogs

Laud (v) to praise, to applaud, to extol, to celebrate

The bank manager lauded the hero who trapped the escaping robber. The local newspaper published a laudatory editorial on this intrepid individual.

Legacy (N) something handed down from the past, a bequest

The legacy of the corrupt administration was chaos, bankruptcy.

Lethargy (n): sluggishness; laziness; drowsiness; indifference

After a busy week of sports the student relished the lethargy of Saturday morning.  

Levity (n): lightness; frivolity; unseriousness

The speaker’s levity was not appreciated by the convention of funeral directors, who felt that a convention of funeral directors was no place to tell jokes.


Libel (n) a written or published falsehood that injures the reputation of, defames, someone

The executive said that the newspaper had committed libel when it called him a stinking, no-good, corrupt, incompetent, overpaid, lying, worthless moron.

: Slander someone

Litigate (V) to try in court, to engage in legal proceedings

When the company was unable to recover its money outside of court, its only options was to litigate.

Loquacious (adj) talking a lot or too much

The child was surprisingly loquacious for one so small.

Lucid (adj) clear, easy to understand

The professor’s explanation of the theory of relativity was so astonishingly lucid tat even I could understand it.

Elucidate –make  it clear

Lugubrious (adj) exaggeratedly mournful

Harry’s lugubrious eulogy at the funeral of his dog eventually made everyone start giggling.

Luminous (adj) giving off light; glowing; brigh

The moon was a luminous disk in the cloudy nighttime sky.

The snow on the ground appeared eerily luminous at night- it seemed to glow.