Indigenous (adj) native, originating in that area


Indigent (adj) poor

The indigent family had little to eat, nothing spend, and virtually nothing to wear.

Indignant (adj) angry, especially as a result of something unjust or unworthy, insulted

Ted become indignant when the policeman accused him of stealing the nuclear.

Indolent (adJ) lazy

The indolent teenager slept late, moped around, and never looked for summer jobs.

Indulgent (adj) lenient, yielding to desire                    

Our indulgent teacher never punished us for turning in our homework.

Ineffable (adj) incapable of being expressed or described

The simple beauty of nature is often so ineffable that it brings tears to our eyes

Inept (adj) clumsy, incompetent, gauche

Jos-hua is an inept dancer; he is as likely to stomp on his partner’s foot as he is to step on it.

Inert (v) inactive, sluggish, not reacting chemically

Having colds made the children, inert and reluctant to get out of bed.

Inexorable (adj) relentless, inevitable, unavoidable

Inexorable death finds everyone sooner or later.

Infamous (adj) shamefully wicked, having an extremely bad reputation, disgraceful

Deep within the prison was the infamous torture chamber, where hooded guards tickled their prisoners with feathers until they confessed.

Infamy: state of being infamous

Infatuated (adj) foolish, foolishly, passionate or attracted; made foolish; foolish; foolishly in love

 I was so infatuated with Polly that I drooled and gurgled whenever she was near.