Infer (v) to conclude, to deduce ( figure out what it is without being told directly)

Inference (n): deduction or conclusion

She had not heard the score, but the silence in the locker room led her to infer that we had lost.

Imply ( v) to hint at it, suggest it, ( indirectly)

Infinitesimal ( adj) very, very very small, infinitely small

Ingenuous (adj) frank. Without deception, simple, artless, charmingly naïve

Young children are ingenuous. They do not know much about the ways of the world, and certainly not enough to deceive anyone.

Inherent (adj) part of the essential nature of something, intrinsic

There is an inherent strength in steel that cardboard lacks.

Injunction (n): command or order, especially a court order


Innate (adj) existing since birth; inborn; inherent

Joseph’s kindness was innate; it was part of his natural character.

Innocuous (adj) harmless, banal

Innocuous is closely related, in both origin and meaning, to innocent.

Inordinate (adj) excessive; unreasonable

The math teacher paid an inordinate amount of attention to the grammar rather than algebra.

Insatiable (adj) hard or impossible to satisfy; greedy avaricious

Peter had an insatiable appetite for chocolate macadamia ice cream; he could never get enough. Not even a gallon of chocolate macadamia was enough to sate or satiate his carving.