Felicity (n) happiness, skillfulness, especially at expressing things; adeptness

Love was not all felicity for Judy and steve


Fervor (n): great warmth or earnestness, ardor, zeal


Fetter (V) to restrain, to hamper

In her pursuit of an Olympic gold medal, the runner was fettered by multiple injuries.

Unfettered: free of hindrances


Fidelity ( n): faithfulness, loyalty


Figurative (adj) based on figures of speech, expressing something in terms usually used for something else

When the mayor said that the housing market had sprouted wings, she was speaking figuratively.


Finesse (n) skillful maneuvering; subtlety, craftiness

The doctor sewed up the wound with finesse, making stitches so small one could scarcely see them.

Flagrant (adj) glaringly bad, notorious, scandalous

An example of a flagrant theft would be stealing a car from the parking lot of a police station.

Flaunt (V) to show off, to display ostentatiously

Colleen flaunted her engagement ring, shoving it in the face of almost anyone who came near her.

Flout (v) to disregard something out of disrespect

A driver flouts the traffic laws by driving through red lights and knocking down pedestrians.


Foible (v) a minor character flaw, weakness, weak point


Foment (V) to stir up, to instigate

The bad news from abroad fomented pessimism along professional investors.