Good and Bad habits

Who are you?

‘I am the sum of my habits’

Here is some useful vocabulary for this topic

I tend to………..

I tend to get up early in the morning

I like to ………..


I like to make my bed as soon as I got up.


Do something out of habit

I get up early everyday out of habit.


By force of habit

I get up early everyday by force of habit


I am in the habit of..

It has become a habit


If you have a bad habit, you can use the following,

I have a habit of……

I have fallen into the habit of…….

If you want to stop a habit, you can say,

I am trying to break/kick/give up the habit



Adjectives to describe habits

Annoying, bad, nasty, good, endearing habit (makes you like you), smoking, drinking


How to change a habit?

I have a habit of procrastination. I would like to change it by using pomodoro technique for focusing.


Idioms to talk about habits

I am a creature of habit= I like routines

I am a stickler for= I insist on certain things

Old habits die hard

Why break the habit of a lifetime?= It is not necessary to change that habit

I am stuck in a rut= I am stuck in a boring routine, in a bad situation.


Keeping with tradition= I will continue with my habit /tradition.

Practice what you preach= do the things you tell others to do.