(Charts, Trend analysis, Moving average,  

What is difference with fundamental Analysis?

What is Trendline and Priceline ?


Trend Analysis

Understanding Bull market and Bear Market


Up trends (bullish trend)

*Low-High-Higher lows- Higher Highs-

Down Trends (bearish Trend)

*High-low-lower highs-lower highs -

Sideways Trend

*fluctuation in certain range

Trend Reversal/ Breakout

*shifting in trend


Candlestick Pattern

To Form a Candle stick there must be four core sites that is:

1. Open Price

2. Close price

3. Day’s high

4. Day’s low

*How to find entry and exit point?

*Bullish Candlestick: Increasing

*Bearish Candlestick: Decreasing

*Wick (shadow) and Body

*Types of Candlestick: many but popular are listed below

1. Hammer pattern


1.       Open, close, and high price are very very close

2.       Forms at the bottom of downtrend.

3.       Lower shadow is 2/3 times longer than body

(potential direction )

(buy Signal )

2. Inverted Hammer


1.        Open, close and low price are very very close

2.       Forms at the bottom of the downtrends

3.       Upper shadow is 2/3 times longer than body

(potential direction )

4.       Hanging Man


1.       shows in up tends

2.       Gap up

3.       Lower shadow at least twice as big as Real body

4.       Real Body Bullish or Bearish better if Bearish

5.       Confirmation Candle

( green colour hanging man: Sell signal )

4. Shooting Star


*Type of inverted Hammer

‘Shooting star’ if appears during an uptrend then market will move forward to downtrend.


What is Fibonacci Retracement?

-Started by Leonardo Fibonacci, figured out the rabbit puzzle

-Fibonacci Series

-Golden Ratio