Surpassed (v): exceed, overshadow, outperform, 

the production in 2020 were surpassed in 2021

detached (adj): unfastened, disconneced, separated, disengaged

creep- crept-crept 

where as

at the same time


turn something round to make a mechanical process operate


weep-wept- wept


misleading (adj):Confusing, deceptive, deceiving, ambiguous

misleading information to visitors


daunting( adj)

Dauting problems face by them 


formidable challenges

bogus (fake)

propagated the bogus information


There’s no doubt that infodemic has undermined the public trust in not just vaccines but in the entire health system, thereby intensifying and prolonging the pandemic.

Dark underbelly (pharse)

The investigation journalist has exposed teh dark underbelly of the MMC documents to public which has made furious every Nepali

conferment (n): granting, donation, giving

Confer (v)

consecutive day

Unfathomable (adj): immeasurable, incalculable, inscrutable

Dhakal’s troubles were unfathomable, he had millions in debt and he has been paying 13 per cent interest in repayment.

best song to motivate, relax, soft, and clam during your off time.