1. a/an- without

2. Ac, acr- sharp, sour, bitter

3. Acro- high, extremity, tip

4. Agog- Leader, of lead

5. al/ali/alter- other, another

6. am, ami- love

7. amb- to go, to walk 

ambhi/amphi,- both 

Andr/andro -male

Anti -opposite

Anim- Life, mind 

Ante/ ant -before 


Apo-off, away from 

Apt/ept- skill, ability 

Aqua- water

Archi/ archi/arche-rule

Arium/orium/ ary-  a place for

art- skill, craft

Astro/ aster -star

aug/aug/aux/auc- to increase

avi -bird 



Ben/bon - good, benefit


Bible/ Biblo- book 

Bri/Brev- brief


Cant/cent/chant- to sing 

cap/clip/cept- to take , to get 

carn/carni - flesh. meet

cata-down, against 

Cede/ Cess- withdraw, go away yield 

Chron/chrono- time

Cide - kill 

Cirum- around

Cis-to cut

calm/claim- to shout, to cry out 

clin- slope/lean 

Cli- to learn toward, ladder

clud/clus/claus/clois- close, shut

corp/corpo- body 

(corpse, corpulent, corps, corporal, corporeal 

cogn -know 

crac/crate-rule power, Democracy, autocratic 

Credulous( gullible )

Cred-belief, trust 

Naive, credible, credence, creed, credentials

Culp- fault 

culprit ( offender, perpetrator )


Dol - pain, sorrow