Adjectives of Personality:

Abrasive, Aggressive Ambitious, Anti-authoritarian, anti-social, articulate, Artistic, Bad-Tempered, Brave, Charismatic, Charming, Contradictory, Creative, Cruel, Curious, Cutting, Cynical

Disobedient, Disturbed, Egotistical, Experimental, Eccentric, Fragile, Funny, Generous, Gentle, Gregarious, Headstrong, honest, Imaginative, Indulgent, Inquisitive, Irreverent

Abrasive – Can also in describing rude character.

*If you want to win match you have to win abrasive surfaces.

Do John Lennon has abrasive character?


*Sliver heart vs purple heart


Chip on shoulder –refers to the act of holding a grudge or grievance that readily provokes disputation.

Cutting: make someone put down


Cynical:  tends to have negative out look

-a cynical person

Cynical vs Sceptical (skeptical)

 -Not pessimistic but being pragmatic


*Make or break  

*Disturbed Individual




Self-indulgent: enjoyed what you love


That wont in work in court/stand-up in court


Irreverent: Do not show respect generally respected by other





Jealous, Jittery, Knackered, Kind-hearted, Lovable, Misunderstood, multi-Faceted, Narcissistic, Nasty, Nervuous, No-nonsense, Open, Original, Paranoid, Progressive, questioning, quick-Witted, Recluisve, restless, revered, sensitive, sensible, sentimental, superstitious, talented, tragic, traumatised, troubled, uncompromising, unconventional, violent, warm-hearted, well-read, wise, witty, zealous, zen


Jittery: behaving nervous

Jittery person

Knackered: exhausted 

 Quick –witted: clever

Reclusive: stay in certain place mainly in a home