Viable: workable, feasible,. Applicable, usable, accomplishable

Viable option

Let’s talk about discipline

Attires/ adornments

Coloured ornaments

Soul and Pride

Embroidery and Decoration

Animals skin, fur

-has been rising remarkably

-had now risen to …


Erstwhile: former

The erstwhile president of Nepal died of SARS-COV-2

Rebuff: reject, repudiate, disdain, reject,


Commuters:  a person who travels some distance to work on regular basis

The commuters were trapped under the subway in China.


Vicinity (n): area near a particular place, proximity

The number of people are living the vicinity of city.

Induct ( v): admit, to, allow into,

The six politician of Gandaki Province were inducted as minister of Nepal.


Delude (v): deceive, mislead, make believe something that is not true

Often, many politician delude local people about the infrastructure going to construct.


Relapse(V): worsen, deteriorate

Proliferate (v): increase rapidly in number, multiply,

Proliferation (n)