Collocations compounds: high school, deputy minister, working holiday etc

Straightforward collocations: do homework, assign task, change of plans, have faith 

Subtle change of meaning: agree on, agree to agree in principle

What is Idiomatic Language?

Many people think that idiomatic language means idioms. Idiomatic language is more than that: it includes any phrasing that carries a meaning that is different from the individual words in the phrase. These can also be found in collocations and phrasal verbs. 

Finding difference between idiomatic vs Literal meanings ?

Find answer whether to use idiomatic language in ielts task 2?


How to Create and use an idea bank ?

-Vocabulary, key synonyms, subtopics, questions, examples, sample essays.

Vocabulary: Talk about the vocabulary 

-Before collecting Vocabulary concentrate on your weakest topic 

-Brainstorm 2. search and collect, 3. Categorize 4. Label: 

5. Verbs, phrasal verbs, idioms collocations

-Then, Use in sentences, 

-Next things one need to work synonyms 

-Work out for subtopics related to specific topic 

***Intense collocations

Avidly Excited

Intensifier + Verb collocations

Strongly recommend

Freely appreciated

Totally Reject

Frighteningly easy-

Categorically Denied- no involvement in misconduct

Deeply regret

Honestly believe

Utterly refused

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