1. apartment/flat

-Flat is used by British people 

What kind of accommodation do people live in?

I live on the second floor of a tall building and it has very nice amenities (swimming pool, and mud cons ( ovan, a/c  

2. Condo ( Luxurious)

I am paying lot of cash for condo room.

3. Serviced apartment

Fully furnished -

4. Loft/ studio apartment( no walls but separated)

I am renting loft apartment which  has many

5. Skyscraper 

I am renting condo flat at skycraper.


6. Townhouse(Narrow, high house)

I am renting a townhouse

7.detached house ( separate from main house)

I am renting detached house which has a swimming pool.

8. Student  dormitory/digs

I am renting student dormitory owing to near my campus. 

9. Rented /Paying guest accommodation 

10. Cottage 

Cottage are found in countryside.


1. Live in apartment blocks

I living in second floor

2. Live in rented accommodations

I am renting a detached house ( others) for six months.

3. Live in the skyline

4. Live on Campus

I am renting dom room it is very close to campus. 

5. To do up a property ( to fix up )

I have just bought new loft apartment which needed to fix up. 

6. To take out a mortgage.

7. To get on the property ladder (real estate)


Halfway house

Something that combines the qualities of two different things

This band is a halfway house between rock and pop. 

House of correction- prison 

She said he's out of the house of correction

Go round the houses

waste time saying a lot of things that are not important befroe you get to the subject you want to talk about. 

Get a foot on the housing ladder.

There's no place like home

your home is a special place

The holiday was great! still, there is no place like home.

Make yourself at home

Make yourself comfortable

Maek yourself at home! can i get you a drink?

Be home and dry

Have successfully completed something, as a project or activity

I just need one more source for this essay and then I'll be home and dry. 

Home in on

Became closer to your target

Wear the pants in the house

Be the boos in the house, run a household

All right, if you have to wear the pants in the house, have it your way. 

Skeleton in the closet

an embarrassing or shameful secret

Most people have at least one skeleton in the closet

Smoke like a chimney

amit somke like a chimney

Build castles in the air ( create dreams, hopes, or plans that are impossible, unrealistic, or have very little chance of succeeding