First hand  adj): direct personal contact with

firsthand look, knowledge, experience, account

a firsthand look at how economics and government work 

Widespread ( adj)

prevalent, far-reaching, everywhere

Due to  recent headlines, fears of a coming recession are widespread.

Upside/downside (n)

positive/negative aspect of  ( adv/disadv)

One potential upside is that..

Overestimate/underestimate (v)

to gauge the value of something or someone too highly/loo low

Commonplace/everyday (adj): common, ordinary, unremarkable

Backbone ( n) foundation, stabilizing force, courage, 

be the backbone of ....

Have the backbone to do...

Tailspin (n) in serious, very strong decline ( situaton

-go into a tailspin, be in a tailspin 

( sharp drop)

sales suddenly went into a tailspin starting in 2005


( seeing ahead/ looking back at something with today's understanding

have the foresight to

in hindsight

-he had the foresight to invest in online shopping 

Household (n, adj)

: the group of people who live together, common

As lending rates increase, the number of households sinking into unmanageable debt rises as well. 

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