Most Common IELTS writing task 2 -250 words

1. Opinion ( Agree and disagree)
2. Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Problem and solution 
4. Discussion ( Discuss both view )
5. Two point question 

1.Read and Understand 
> What type of essay will I need to write?
> How Familiar am I with this topic ?

1. Problems and Solution Essay 

1. Introduction 
Problems ( 1 and 2)
Solutions ( 1 and 2)
Conclusion ( 1 and 2)

Problem (1)
Solution (1)
Solution ( 2)

In the developed world, the  average life expectancy is increasing what problems will this cause for Individuals and society?
Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of aging populations.

A. Rewritten question 
B. Introduction of specific topics

People in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will be some negatives consequences  associated with this shift, societies can take steps to diminish these effects. 

Problems (4-5 sentences )
Topic sentence ( 1 sentences)
Why ( explanation )

The ageing population will bring about rising costs to society. AS citizens age and grow weaker, society tax burden increases. If a large amount of the population  is elderly and retired, pension costs and taxes will increase, thus, creating a burden for taxpayer individuals. Additionally, older members of society will require more specialized care as their health worsens, which will bring higher medical costs due to increased demand. 

Solution ( 4-5 sentences)
Topic sentence ( 1)
Explanation ( why) 1-2 sentences 


More practice question 

1. Traffic congestion is becoming a major problem for global cities. Analyze and present some measures that could.
2. Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging environment what can government do to address these problem? what can individual people do?
3. Children and teenagers are committing more and more crimes. What are the reasons and solutions?
4.  Many people believe that zoos have no purpose in today's world and should be closed what problems do zoos bring? What are the alternatives to zoos if they are closed?


2.Agree or Disagree?

Children nowdays have  too much freedom. Agree or disagree ?

-Netural Sentences
-Strong Thesis statement 

Just as society continues to evolve, opinions regarding childhood development have also changed overtime. For instance, some people believe that children have an over abundance of liberties in present day society, while others reckon that adolescents have an adequate amount of freedom. I, myself, agree with the latter. Currently given a healthy amount of freedom that encourages responsibility, fosters creativity and prepares them for adulthood. 
(I disagree with this to large extent for two reasons and this essay will explain why)

Description A
- 1. Transition word/phrase
( first of all, first off
2. Topic sentence 
3. Supporting sentences 

First off, allowing children to gain independence from an early age will likely encourage them to manage responsibilities more efficiently. With more freedom to choose hobbies in addition to academic pursuits and extracurricular activities, adolescents can develop responsibilities habits. For example, if a teenager is given the opportunity to spend the weekend with friends, he or she will be more apt to complete necessary assignments and meet deadlines beforehand. Thus, the mere fact that adolescents have freedom in their personal lives could help them successfully manage responsibility. 

Description B


Description C

To sum up, adolescents do not have excessive amount of freedom, but rather, have been given an appropriate amount 

Intelligence is most important quality for leaders. Do you agree or disagree?

The urban should prohibit private vehicles agree or disagree give your opinion?

3. Two part question 

Introduction ( 2-3 sentences)
Body 1 (Answer- Explain and why?) 4-5 sentences 
Body 2 (Answer- Explain and why?) 4-5 sentences 
Conclusion ( 2-4 sentences )

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of Individual well being
What factors contribute to job satisfaction?
How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

The two most important things that lead to someone being satisfied at work are being treated with respect by managers and being compensated fairly. IF those more senior than you respect you as a person and the job you are doing then you feel like you are valued. A fair salary and benefits are also important considerations because if you fell your are being underpaid you will wither resent your bosses or look for another job. There two factors came top of a recent job satisfaction survey conducted by that found that 72% of people were pleased with their current role if their superiors regularly told them they were appreciated. 

In many countries around the world people decide to leave their parents' home once they finish school. They start living on their own or sharing a house with friends. Is this a positive or a negative development? Give  reasons for your answer and include relevant examples.


4. Discuss both these views and give your opinion

1. Some people believe that a person's culture is defined by their country of origin, while others believe that has only a minor influence. Discuss both theses views and give your opinions.

2. Many people believe that modern music can have a negative impact on the young others believe the effect of modern music is positive. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

5. Advantages and Disadvantages

In some some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finished high school and starting university studies. Discuss advantages and disadvantages for young people.

Advantages ( 1or 2) /stronger
Disadvantages ( 1 & 2 ) weaker

2.Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages. 

Introduction ( 2-3 sentences )
A. Rewritten- 
B. Thesis statements
( Traditionally, children have studied foreign languages at later stages in their educational careers, but some believe that is could be beneficial to introduce foreign languages earlier. While there are both merits and disadvantages associated with this topic, the positive aspects take precedence over the drawbacks. 

II. Stronger side
A. Topic Sentences
B. Able to absorb languages / Brains programmed
C. Moe flexibility in schedule 

Young children are better able to learn languages for a variety of factors. First off, studies show that young children pick up languages better than teenagers. The younger brains are able to retain information in the long-term. It has also been proven that young brains absorb material at a faster rate (why). Additionally, implementing language lessons in primary schools would allow for more flexibility within the school system. Younger children will be able to engage with the material more frequently through shorter sessions, thus maintain their enthusiasm and progress 

III. Weaker side.
A. Topic sentences
B. inadequate teaching

However, there are some disadvantages when it comes to learning languages at  an earlier age.  Primary school teachers may not be qualified to provide lessons in foreign languages, resulting in adequate teaching. This could demotivate younger students and give them a negative experience in language. Further, school districts may not be able to carry on foreign language teaching form primary to secondary schools. In this case, students would not only lose their progress but they would also be demotivated due to the lack of consistency through out their educational careers. Despite this, these issues can be effectively addressed through consistent support in this school district and pose only a minor threat to the advantage. 

A. Both advantages and disadvantages for the following 
B. Although there are drawbacks the advantages outweigh demerits

Although there are a few disadvantages regarding the study of a foreign language during primary school, there are a plethora of advantages that outweigh the negative aspects.  Young children's innate abilities should be appreciated and foster to their full advantages. 

2. Some people think that is would be better for  large companies and industry to move to regional area outside large urban centers. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?