
Depicts/Illustrates/ Shows/displays/ exhibits/ unveils/ demonstrates/ set out/, reveals/ unfolds, present, uncovers /convey/ express/discloses/Indicates / turn up/elucidate

Over all Trend 

What you witnessed at scanning?

( use adverb like Conversely,  Italy and Portgual commenced/began   with relatively low emissions and indicated large increases by the end of the timeframe. 

Conversely:  Contrarily, contrariwise, perversely. (Contrastingly, inversely, oppositely, on the contrary, vice versa, to the contrary, by Contrast, In contrast, in reverse, Just the opposite, Just the reverse, quite the opposite, quite the reverse, the other way around, the other way round, on the other hand, however, on the flip side, on the other side of the, in opposition, if anything,  yet, )

Relatively:  comparatively, in comparison, by comparison , proportionately , to an extent,  kind of, 

Opposite of Conversely: Likewise, equally, similarly, correspondingly, 

Grouping 1/Body 1

In 1967, the  UK demonstrates the highest proportion of CO2 emissions  at around 11 Metric tonnes per person, however, the figure declined steadily

Proportion: part, segment, amount , fraction, volume, percentage, section, measure

around: about, approximately round about, roughly, nearby, close by, more or less, nearly close to, approaching, something like, within reach, at close range

Grouping 2/ Body 2

Sharp Decline 

steep decline, drastic decline, sharp decrease, abrupt decrease,  dramatic decline, sharp drop, sharp reduction, sharp fall, 

Rise: Rose,  

Model Answer