Vouching consists of comparing entries in the books of accounts with documentary evidence in support thereof.

Liquid asset  vouching ensure all receipts and payment  have been properly recorded.

1. Vouching of Cash Receipts 

(Opening balance, cash sales, Cash received from Accounts Receivables, capital receipts, Proceeds of Bill Receivable, Income from interest etc, commission, Miscellaneous Receipts,)

2. Vouching of Cash  payments

( petty cash checking, checking of payable  bill, Check of Internal system, checking of revenue and expenditure, creditor's payments, detection of any missing entry, checking of other payments, checking of names and dates)

3.Internal check over Cash receipts 

( Establishment of Responsibility, Segregation of Duties, Documentation Procedures, Physical, Mechanical and electrnic Controls. Independent Internal Verification, Writing of ledger, presence of officer, cheques should be crossed, comparsion, issue of Receipts, counterfoil, daily deposit, use of cheque, use of cheque, Collection of cash sale,)

Internal Check over Cash payments

(Establishement of Responsibility, Segregation of Duties, Documentation Procedures, Physical, Mechanical and Electronic Controls, Independent Internal Verification, Other Controls, Use of Cheque, use of crossed cheque, Safety of Check Book, Entry in Cash Books, Authorized signature, verification  before signature, special nature payments, Reconciliation, Wages sheet preparation,  Internal Check , Checking of memos, Entry in cash book, Checking, of cash register, checking of cash book , checking of price lists, guidance to client

Internal Check as Regard as Cash sales

a. Sales at Counter, Postal Sales, Agents sales, Cash Discount