What is your job?

Do you have a job right now?

What do you do for living?


Has a job


Work in + Place /dept

Work for +company

Work as + Job position

Do--------- for  a living.

Earn a wage +by -- (guide) 

land a job (got a job)

Have a nine to five job

Between jobs 

 At the moment, I am in between jobs.

Job Hunting

I am hunting a job.

 own Boss

Self- employed 

Do free lancer/Do Freelance work 

Tele commute

State my own business

Business owner



Venture Capital 

Over head (s)

Does your company pay you will?

Work benefits

-Fringe  benefits ( health insurance, company car, 

-Perks:  extra little special things (time off, maternity leave, holiday entitlemen 

( we have lots of perks and fringe benefits.)

Base Salary plus commission /Bonus

Work income



( intern Stipend) payment of appreciation.

I am reimbursed for service/time.

What is your typical day like at work?

-work afternoon/day/night shift

-Be responsible for /in charge of

-my job involves

-Be on my feet for many hours

-Do routine correspondence

Do you like your job?

 -Make ends (bills expenses) meet

-Live paycheck to pay check

-Make the bare minimum (wage lowest)

-Barely earn a living wage

-Pay is not very high 

-Stuck behind a desk 

- rate race



- Mind-numbing job

-dead end job

- Salary does not commensurate with my

- -

make a lot of money

-Have a high paying job

-Make/pull in six figures

-Make a killing

-pay is very high

-get a lot of job satisfaction


Vocabulary for losing 

-Be fired/let go

-Be made redundant ( useless/meaningless)

-Get the axe/pink slip

-Severance pay


resign/ step down 

-Hand in my resignation

-Golden parachute


Working Parents

Online Banking

Technological developments

Building Careers