Words to Describe the City

 1. Cosmopolitan ( a lot of culture)



2. Urban

I have a urban lifestyle.

3. Bustling 

Kathmandu market is bustling. 

4. Lively (exciting)

Thamel is lively during festival time.

5. Hectic

Kathmandu Traffic is hectic for me, which I do not like.

6. Vibrant

Certain part of Kathmandu is vibrant

7. Sprawling ( spread out )

Kathmandu is sprawling city. 

8. Contemporary ( modern )

Looks so contemporary city. 

9. Touristic 

Thamel is a touristic city. 

Describing The country side 

1. Rural ( not urban)

There are lots of farm in rural areas.

2. Rundown ( falling apart )

The building are common in detro. 

3. Quaint ( old fashion and cute)

You can find quaint houses in Bandipur. 

Some bed and breakfast are quaint 

4. Close -knit ( people know you) community 

Village are like a close-knit. 

5. Outskirts ( outside the city )

Gorkha is on the outskirts of pokhara. 

I live on the outskirts of city. 

6. suburb (outside the city ) 

Family drive to city for job 

7. Picturesque  (want to take picture )

It is picturesque place because you can see highest mountain ranges. 

Things to see in a city

1. High - rise flats ( tall apartment buildings)

2. Pavement cafe

( outside part of cafe

3. Upmarket

( for wealth people )

4. Chain stores ( well-known brand)

5. Lively bars 

6. Pop up shops ( flash stores

Things to see in the country side

1. Out of town shopping centres 

2. borded -up shops ( store closed with wood)

3.  Ranch  (big farm )

Cattle ranch

4. Orchard  ( farm)

apple orchard, nuts orchad, cherry orchard 

5. Mom and pop shop

(family own shops)