What kind of Movies do you like?

Movies and Watching TV.

-Box office hit ( how much money)

I love to watch box office hit movies 

-Crowd Pleaser 

(lot of people )

-Block buster ( same as box office hit)

-Bomb( lost a lot of money)

This movie was such a bomb.

- Movie goer/film buff( movie expert)

I not active movie goer but not a film buff

-Indie move ( small budget movies)

Premier ( first date it starts to show)



This movie is A lister movies becasue I love famous actor 

-Cameo ( made a Cameo )

His short cameo was very funny.

Words to Describe movie types/genre's

Action Movies 

Fast moving /Highly Charged/ Keep me on the edge (suspenseful) /of my seat/riveting/stunt scenes

My heart get pounding when I watched action movies. Action scene was riveting.  Stunt scenes were crazy.

Drama movies 




Realistic/real life/emotions

I love watching drama movies, screen play was wonderfully written.

Romcoms (romance+Comedy)/Chick flicks / Bromance

Feel good

Heart Warming

I love romantic comedy. it s feel good movie and sometimes it is heat warming tool.

Future -tech/sci-fi

I love Cinematography and they have beautiful shot. 

 special effects

Animation movies 

Horror Movies 

Suspense Movie

Make one's blood run cold ( feeling nervous, worried 


Comedy movies /Humerous


Laugh riot ( laughing all of the time)


Thought provoking

give me food (ideas) for thought.

Words and phrases to describe your tv watching habits


 I love watching series, I was binge watching 

-Go through phases

I go through phases, ....

Put (some tv show) in the background 

(not full attention)

Be really into (some tv-show)

I am really into TBBT.

Descirbe a TV Show you like and do not like

-Every episode finished with a cliffhanger ( anxious)

-They had a lot of plot threads to resolve

-There were no spoilers ( spoil the ending ) I hate spoilers

-Good pace from scene to scene

-reruns ( again again )

-On the air 

-There was a lot of padding 

-Plodding plot  (move slowly)

-Mindless reality TV-show