One of the drastic changes that happened after independent 

One of the / Either of /Each of/+ Plural noun 

The only one + ( plural noun/ singular noun )

Finally, to complete things further, ' The only one of the +Plural noun+ who/that.......requires a singular verb for the  '........'

He is not one of the officers who follow orders blindly and unthinkingly. ( focus on the generality) 

Marine is the only one of the girls who has ever been to India. 


The students who are America, one was late. 


He is the one of the people who bake special cake.


He is the only one of the people who bakes special cake. 


1. With a singular or non-count or clause, use a singular verb 

' One-third of this article is taken up with statistical analysis. Much of the book seems relevant to this study. Half of what he writes is undocumented. 

 2. With a plural noun, use plural verb 

One-third of the students have graduate degrees. 

3.With collective noun, use either singular or plural  (depends)

Half of my family lives/live in Canada. 

All of the class is /are here. 

4. Words majority and minority are used in Variety of ways.

When majority /minority means and unspecified number more or less than 50% use singular verb. 

The majority holds no strong views. A small minority indicates it supports the proposal. 

Note: if majority and minority means as specific percentage you may use either a singular or a plural verb. 

When a majority /minority refers to a specified set of persons use a plural verb. 

5. Expressions of time, Money and Distance usually take a singular verb. 

6. Adjectives preceded by 'the' and used as plural nouns take a plural verb 

The rich get richer. 

7.Certain relative Pronoun rule

Whom/who- Use with a persons, domestics, animals

Which- animals+non living things

that - all

same with only that

- This is the same book that you were reading yesterday and you recommended to me. 

8. Can not be used both and Not Together 


She is one of the mothers who are really working very hard to make both ends met

This is only one of the novels which is interesting.

10.  Number +Unit ( singular )+ Noun or Number +unit  ( singular )+ Adjective 

Units ( ascending order)

11. Height/amount/speed/speed/weight/distance +are singular 

12. Since/for

after simple past

before it perfect continuous

13. Two past action



He finished the work after we had met him.


No sooner/ Hardly/ Scarcely+ 

No sooner+ Helping verb+ Than 

Hardly/ Scarcely+ H.V+ when