Tips and Trick

1.       1-2 Sentences What+ Where+ When

2.       Rephrase-show range of words

3.       No personal pronoun I/Me/We

4.       Simple and Straight forward

5.       Have a glance at the axes X and Y

6.       Range ( years and time period)

The chart below shows of a survey of a adults education. The fist chart shows the reason why adult decide to study. While the pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared. Write at least 150 words.


The given bar chart illustrates( Shows/ depicts/ Illustrates/presents exhibits/indicates/ demonstrates/ outlines/) an opinion survey about the factors as to why people choose to go to school while the pie chart portrays how adults consider the costs of academic should be funded.



It highlights key features

-          An overall observation of the graph tells/ depicts

-          Overall, the graph indicates

-          Overall , it can be seen/identified that

-          Overall, it is apparent that…


Overall, it is apparent in the bar chart that there are seven reasons as to why adults decide to study, and the subject of interest is the most significant one. On the other hand. It can be observed from the pie chart that individual funding for education has had a far higher funding compared to the other two.



1.       According to the pie chart

2.       As per the diagram

3.       The bar chart represents

4.       In (year)

5.       During 1980s and 1990s..


The bar chart represents seven causes in the survey, with the subject of interest representing the highest percentage at 40%. Gaining qualification is the second main reason which attributes to 38 %. Moreover the other three factors enjoying learning, to improve prospect of promotion, helpful for current job achieve nearly the same share of almost 20% whereas, meeting new people holds the least percentage at 9%.


Description 2

1.       Moving towards……Pie chart/ Line graph

2.       Considering…….

3.       Turning towards……

4.       As far as……. Is considered

5.       The pie chart shows…….

The piechart shows that 40% of people think that education should be funded individually. However, 35 % of the people form the survey assume that it should be paid by the employer while on fourth thinks that it should be financial by the taxpayer which is the lowest one. #


20n%- one fifth

25 % one fourth/quarter

27 %- a little more than a quarter

50% - half

75% three quarters

Almost/ approximate/ nearly/ close to/ equal to




( in 2017 the number of students visited America for further form the UK and Europe was 20 million and 14 million, respectively.

Per cent Vs Percentage

Use per cent with an exact number.

Use percentage to describe an amount of something.



Pie charts 

Pie chart+ Pie charts

Pie chart+ graph

Pie chart + Table 


-Compare, contrast, show change, relativity 


Highs/Lows/ Biggest change/ 


The charts reflect the differences in 



Year 2010-2012= 3 years

Grouping 1

In 2010,  the two items accounted for 60 % of the store's gross revenue; by 2012, this number had dropped to exactly half of all sales. Although one remained the highest grossing department ( 27%), it nevertheless showed the greatest overall education at 10%. Fur, other big item, saw sales shrink by more than half over the 3 year span (, falling to 4 % from 10%. 

Grouping 2

Other 3 items, meanwhile, increased significantly, jumping from 10% and 15% respectivly to 23 % each in 2012.


Has led to increased............. and a decrease in 

In 2010 ,    .. by 2012...

although........, nevertheless.......

furniture, other big ticket item.., meanwhile....

More than double the previous figure

each contributed.........with inverse changes by 2012