Compare / Weigh up/ Weighed up/

-The company will be able to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each site. 

Prefer, Favour, put forward,  desire, would rather ( have)

Size up?

Reprehensible: ( deplorable, disgraceful, dishonourable, discreditable, unacceptable , shameful, despicable)

His behaviour is morally reprehensible.

Equating; equalize, tally , Compare

The customers equate their  name with quality. 


Speaking Task  for Your Job?

1.What is your job?

2. What do you do for living?

3. Do you have a job right now?

Work in + Field (place/ Dept)

Work  for + Company 

work as+ job position 

What do you do for living?

Earn a wage by......... ( guide/accountant)

-land a job-( got a job)

-Have a nine to five job

( I worked as tour executive, part time account,)

Do not have a job?

unemployed /jobless

 in Between jobs at the moment

Job hunting

( Currently, I in between job at the moment.)

Self-Employed ?

Free lancer/Do freelance work 

Start my own business / Entrepreneur.

( I had worked as free lancer guide couple of years. Working as free lancer is more challenging and higher opportunities)


Working from Home

Generation  Y 

-Born in the 1980s + 1990s

-Tech. savvy 

-Ecologically+ Ethically aware

    +-Extinction Rebellion 

Family orientated ( oriented) being there for bathtime more involved fathers.

The first generation recorded history that is going to be worse of than the on preceding it.








-Home life balance

-working environment

-Emotional intelligence

-Employee -centric



Is there any chance we could have a word about something today ?

There's a couple of issues about my schedule that I wanted to discuss.

I have just been thinking that it could work really well to have one day a week, working from home. 

My weekly meetings tend to be scheduled Monday to Thursday which means that I would be able to do my normal work from home.

As you are aware,  I have a difficult commute and I feel that that time could could be better spent