1. Take/go on a vacation to somewhere ( stop work to visit)

I will take a vacation to Thailand with my family next summer. 

I took a vacation to India two years ago.

2. Take a sightseeing tour of somewhere

-hired a guide

In Bhutan taking a sightseeing tour in city guide is mandatory.

3. Go sightseeing

- no hired a guide

In cultural heritage side of Nepal you can wander around without guide.

4. Go on a cruise( large ship)

Last winter I went on a cruise with my family and relatives. 

5. Sign up for guided tours

- for specific place

-charge may not applicable

In Bhaktapur one can avail guided tour easily. 

6. Come on package holiday

( all expenses together)

We are organized come on package holiday tour for our staff. 

7. travel during the off season

Travelling during the off season it is very cheap and no crowded 

8. have the time of my life/the holiday of a life time ( best trip ever)

Words to Describe Tourist Attraction 

1. Scenic(adj) / Scenery (n)

*Scenic tour/ Ocean Scenery

-We went to scenic tour at Nepal

I would like to see ocean scenery tour. 

2. See a breathtaking view of 

When you were at the base camp, you would see a breathtaking view of mountain. 

3. Sandy/Rocky beach

I stay at beautiful sandy beach.

4. Touristy/having hordes of tourists

Sqaure had hordes of tourists.

5. Not for the fainthearted

It is not for the fainthearted owing to catacombs is too sacry. 

Place to stay at holidays

1. Holiday Resort

2. Self-Catering apartments

3. Bed & Breakfast

4. Youth hostels


Somewhere off the beaten track, untouched/pristine nature landscapes

Tourist traps

Tourist attraction, Iconic landmarks

Local places of intereest

Historic sites, heritage sites.



Off the beaten track 

Make your way back 

Hustle and Bustle

Live out of Suitcase

Travel broadens the mind

Hit the road

Break the journey

Have ithchy feet

To live it up

In the same boat

Miss the boat




Western countries

Developed Nations

Exceptional Circumstances

Foreign Environments

Foreign Environments

Cultural Sensitivity

Food, culture and Lifestyle


Foreign Tourists


Cultural Norm

Experiencing and Exploring

Cheap air travel

International Tourism Industry

Cultural Understanding

Vital Economic Significance

Embrace international culture